Monday, May 26, 2008

My oh my

Mama was away for work last week and came back to a big girl. Georgia is bearing weight on her legs and wants to do things on her own. She seems to be ready for some new gross motor challenges, so we bought her this great bouncer. She loves it!

Note how bald she is getting. Everyday she is missing more hair. We can see little blondies coming up underneath but think she is going to look very bald in another couple of months.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Sitting pretty

Grandma Sandy just e-mailed me a pick of Georgia sitting pretty in her new Hanna Andersson dress when we visited a couple of weeks ago.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

It smells like mama's milk...but...

We gave Georgia her first bite of solid food, rice mixed with mama's milk, Saturday morning We captured it on video and pics for all you G lovers. She took it in G style, laid back and in stride. I have to say, she got a little more excited about the bananas this morning.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Four months old!

Georgia had her four month Dr. appt today. She is growing well!

Length: 25 inches (64th percentile)
Weight: 13lbs 6oz (20th percentile)
Head size: 38.8 cm (2nd percentile, yes, 2nd, and I'm expecting no noise from the peanut gallery about how she had inherited her mama's pinhead...give the girl a break, she is still catching up)

The Dr. also gave her the go ahead to try solids. We had already set her highchair up in anticipation. What a big girl!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Life in Paradiso

I had a business trip to DC last week and took Georgia along. G got to spend time with the Paradiso Clan. She also got to meet our good friends Mike and Annie, along with their new addition, Little Lily (who was conceived at our wedding-sorry guys I had to add that piece of trivia). I've posted some pics the Paradiso's passed our way.

G got to snuggle with Auntie Julie.

And Uncle Mike.

Just in time for crazy hair day with Bella.

Here is G's godcuz Delia. She was such a sweetie to long at she didn't take her nuk.

Even a cuddle with Lily's Dad... :)

And here is Mike, Annie, G, and Lily. What a fun brunch!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Portrait pics

Here are some of the photo shoot frames Amy sent us. Her class went wild over the one of G in the green hat. They also couldn't believe she got a shot of the three babies with their heads together and eyes open.