Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Georgia had a wonderful Halloween day. She had a party at daycare, then Daddy picked her up early. She took a big nap and then got dressed to visit with friends. Unfortunately I was on a plane :( Daddy took lots of pics though!

Thanks for the pumpkin costume Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Bob!

Daddy and Georgia in front of the house.

Then a visit with our wonderful neighbors.

Georgia loves the Fall leaves.

She is a natural born leaf peeper!

She loves to leaf peep with Daddy.

She inspects them very closely.

And of course tries to eat the good ones.

A visit with Thomas and Michelle.

And Ted and Marie.

Of course they had to go see Emma in her costume.

Such a cutie too!

And a visit with the Clarks before picking Mama up at the Airport.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dance Party USA

Georgia has discovered dancing.

She may look like her Papa...but she's got the fabulous moves of her Mama. With Georgia flare of course.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Taking steps (with help)

Georgia finally figured out how to use her push toy...With a little help from Papa.


Georgia had her 10 month check up a couple of days ago. She is doing great. Her height is in the 87th percentile and her weight is in the 70th percentile. The Drs said they would never guess she is a preemie!

Check out the videos of Georgia playing peek-a-boo with Daddy and Mama.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Crazy girl in the bath

Georgia's personality is really coming out. She is still pretty mellow and easy going, but sure likes to have fun! She loves to be tickled, chased and watch how things work. We can see her mind working all of the time.

Hey there.

You look tasty.

I'm gonna get you mama!



Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Birthday Party

Georgia is headed to her first birthday party today. Her friend Paul is turning 1! We got him some cute little monkey finger puppets (I'm hoping they don't check our blog in the next couple of hours and ruin the surprise).

Grandpa Bob came through town yesterday on his way to Maine. He dropped off a cute little dress he and Grandma Sandy bought during their recent trip to Italy. It goes great with her new boots!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall is here

It was a beautiful fall day here in the Boston area. Georgia and I headed outside to take some pictures.

This looks like a good leaf. I think I'll try to eat it.

Is that a flower pot on your head...

So pretty!

Hi neighbors! Just hanging with my squash.

Mama. You are so silly. How about we go in now?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Ride em cowgirl!

Georgia is so funny. She loves here little horse but has not quite figured out how to make it move in the correct direction (see the video). Wait till we put her on a real one!

She already has the fever.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

My Daddy and Me

Everyone keeps saying how much Georgia looks like her Daddy. I thought I'd post a couple pics of them together. Still think so?

Daddy and Georgia.

What a cute pair.

Hey you, can't you see I'm trying to get some chewing out of the way?

Oh....this is what happens when you press that blue button.

I told you plastic hangers!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Georgia has been clapping for awhile now but just recently started copying us when we do it. Check her out as she mimics her Papa.

p.s. Sorry that the lights were out in the room.