During one of the last mornings of maternity leave Q and I had a little photo shoot. Georgia and I used to do this too. As you can see, we are madly in love :)
Mama and Quinn.
Quinn is three months old here!
Here is one of Mama and Georgia that was posted when she was about 5 months old.
Mama has a few more wrinkles since then and Daddy has a lot more gray hair!
I was reading "lots and lots" of books to Georgia tonight while Daddy took Quinn for a walk. During "Counting Kisses" Georgia turned to me, put one hand on each of my cheeks, looked into my eyes very seriously and said "You are the best Mama in the whole world." The she smiled and hugged me.
I'm not sure where she picked that up, but it made my heart melt.
Quinn started school this past Monday. Here is a pic of his first morning. He had a good week and enjoyed getting to know his teachers. Mama of course cried several times the first morning and all the way to work after dropping him off.
Quinny (as Georgia calls him) was full of smiles this Fourth. He and Mama are both sad she has to go back to work on Tuesday. He is excited to go to school with Georgia though!
I've been trying to post a pic of Quinn turning over for the last couple of weeks but am having problems posting. It was a big milestone!
Georgia wasn't keen on having her picture taken today.