Sunday, October 16, 2011

Catching up

We have been really bad about posting on the blog! It has been a crazy summer/fall so far. Lots of work and play. Here is an attempt to highlight the last couple months.

The kids participated in their first 5K. The San Diego Aids Walk.

Dressing up in Georgia's shoes.

Dressing up in mama's shoes.

Georgia has also started these crazy poses when I take pictures!

Georgia got her first big girl haircut and blow out from Mama's stylist Badri.

She did so well!

It helped that they had lemonade and cookies...

Quinn as started paying attention to the TV!

Uh oh!

Georgia had her first sleepover.

This is what the girls looked like in the morning.

Sideways in the bed. They giggled all night long.

Quinn loves to put things on his hand and walk around.

Puppets, socks,...

Mama's kitchen things...

Our neighbors brought over pink cupcakes.

It was pretty potent frosting! We couldn't get the red color off for a couple days!

Super 70s.

Our other son is doing well too.

Quinn loves to throw the ball for Rocky.

Georgia loves to boss Rocky around and he is actually listening to her!

We go to the beach often.

Little king in his chair.

What else does a king need at the beach but fishy crackers, daddy's chair, and a juice?

See, another pose.

Rockstar beach babe.

Georgia and Daddy went on a date to see the Lion King.

Georgia brought her school mascot Spirit along.

She LOVED the Lion King.
In the middle of the movie she turned to Brendan and said "You are the best daddy ever!"