For those who don't already know, I (Kara) have always been an early riser. Now that we have Georgia home, I am somewhat of a non sleeper. Rocky left Brendan in his warm bed and joined Georgia and I early this morning. He oh so carefully crawled onto the couch with Georgia. He seems to have taken to her quite nicely and knows he shouldn't sniff too hard. What a good pooch we have! Also, G seems to not mind him at all. They will most definitely be pals.
The first 15 hours having her home have been wonderful, although a little stressful at feeding time. She just won't eat as much as we need her to. She goes at the bottle with gusto for the first 10 minutes and then gets too tired to go on. Luckily the visiting nurse is coming this afternoon. I just hope G hasn't lost more weight.
Brendan is sleeping now. He said he'd give me a sleep break later this morning. I'm looking forward to that.