However, my incredible husband, who was only vaguely familiar with a hammer before this (I fondly remember a set of bookshelves he hung crashing down on our slumbering bodies 7 years ago) , cowboyed up to the challenge. Among other things, he spent the summer of 2007 learning to tear out carpet, demo old plastic paneling, hang wallboard, cut trim, and plan out ceiling tiles. He learned when to call an electrician and when to ask for help from friends, fathers, and father in laws. Perhaps the biggest challenge of all was doing it under the pressure of a sleep deprived pregnant wife, suffering from lack of oxygen and sleep depervation (aka dumb), influenced by raring horomones, going through serious nesting (yes I insisted the closet was ready before all the walls were up) and about to have a baby 8 weeks early.
In any case, although we have a little more work to do, I wanted to show you what wonderful Brendan did with our little Georgia's room.
During: Crib corner (see the blue tape marking where it will go...that is a sign of a crazy nesting pregnant lady looking for something to do at 2:00 a.m.)
After: Crib corner
Before: Closet area
awesome job Brendan! It looks great!
You're my new heros! Her room looks amazing! LOVE the ceiling
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