Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Georgia had a wonderful Halloween day. She had a party at daycare, then Daddy picked her up early. She took a big nap and then got dressed to visit with friends. Unfortunately I was on a plane :( Daddy took lots of pics though!

Thanks for the pumpkin costume Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Bob!

Daddy and Georgia in front of the house.

Then a visit with our wonderful neighbors.

Georgia loves the Fall leaves.

She is a natural born leaf peeper!

She loves to leaf peep with Daddy.

She inspects them very closely.

And of course tries to eat the good ones.

A visit with Thomas and Michelle.

And Ted and Marie.

Of course they had to go see Emma in her costume.

Such a cutie too!

And a visit with the Clarks before picking Mama up at the Airport.


Buffy said...

Oh my gosh, how cute G and E are! Happy Halloween!

Jen - Eric said...

Oh geez! Georgia is so adorable! I swear she looks like the Gerber baby. What a doll!!