Monday, December 1, 2008


With the Santa episode now a distant memory it is time to highlight the T-Day events. Georgia's grandparents from DC came into town along with her Auntie Jackie. We also had the Great Grandparents over for T-day dinner as well as a few friends who brought a ton of pre and post dinner treats. Sandy and Bob brought some yummy wine from their trip to Italy a couple of months ago. We drank that right down.

Here is Georgia tipping back a bottle with her Great Grandmother Jackie.

Amy and Bill joined us for dinner.

Along with Sibyl, Emi, and Kev.

And the Crowley/Berwick clan of course.

Auntie Jackie with a very tired Georgia. She feel asleep soon after this picture.
Look at her cute dress and stockings from Grandma and Grandpa Crowley.

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