It is like we have a whole new daughter the last few weeks. There has been an explosion of sentences and conversations in our house. One thing is clear, Georgia has definite opinions and now knows she can express them.
"Pants fall down"
"I shut door"
"Paul, come back here"
"Rocky, no barking, good dog"
"Baby clothes on"
"No wear sweater"
"I paint hand"
"Where is Sibyl?"
"Socks off! Socks off! Socks off!"
"Go away"
"Birthday cake barrette in hair"
"My turn now"
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
First snow!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Star talk
Kara (carrying G to the car from school): "Hey Georgia, do you see the star up in the sky?"
Georgia (pointing at star): "Star! I find it! Hi Star! Star! Star! Star! Star! Hi Star!"
(Kara puts Georgia in car seat)
Georgia: "Bye bye star!"
Georgia (pointing at star): "Star! I find it! Hi Star! Star! Star! Star! Star! Hi Star!"
(Kara puts Georgia in car seat)
Georgia: "Bye bye star!"
Big News
O.K. First let me say I feel slightly guilty for posting this so all the world can see. Second, I am slightly disturbed by the things that make Brendan and I jump up and down with excitement.
Here it goes...please forgive me baby girl...
Georgia has asked for and used the potty successfully three evenings in a row!
She is so proud and keeps saying "Big girl. Big potty. I read on potty."
Here it goes...please forgive me baby girl...
Georgia has asked for and used the potty successfully three evenings in a row!
She is so proud and keeps saying "Big girl. Big potty. I read on potty."
Monday, December 7, 2009
Conversations with little G
Georgia was sitting in her chair tonight reading an Elmo book.
"Are you ready for bed?" I asked.
"No! I read book!" she said decisively.
So saucy...
Here is a conversation in the car this weekend:
Brendan: "I love you Georgia"
Georgia: "I love you Mommy!"
Kara: "I love you Georgia!"
Georgia: "I love you Mommy!"
Kara: "I love you Georgia!"
Brendan: "I love you Georgia!"
Georgia: "I love you Mommy!"
Kara: "I love you Georgia!"
Kara: "I love you Daddy!"
Georgia: "I love you Daddy!"
Kara: "Georgia, what's in mama's belly?"
Georgia: "Baby"
Kara: "What's in your belly?"
Georgia: "Baby"
Kara: "No, no. A baby is only in mama's belly. You have a waffle in your belly."
Georgia: "Mama, baby"
Kara: "Right, a baby is in Mama's belly. What's in Daddy's belly?"
Georgia: "Baby"
Brendan: "No honey, muscles."
"Are you ready for bed?" I asked.
"No! I read book!" she said decisively.
So saucy...
Here is a conversation in the car this weekend:
Brendan: "I love you Georgia"
Georgia: "I love you Mommy!"
Kara: "I love you Georgia!"
Georgia: "I love you Mommy!"
Kara: "I love you Georgia!"
Brendan: "I love you Georgia!"
Georgia: "I love you Mommy!"
Kara: "I love you Georgia!"
Kara: "I love you Daddy!"
Georgia: "I love you Daddy!"
Kara: "Georgia, what's in mama's belly?"
Georgia: "Baby"
Kara: "What's in your belly?"
Georgia: "Baby"
Kara: "No, no. A baby is only in mama's belly. You have a waffle in your belly."
Georgia: "Mama, baby"
Kara: "Right, a baby is in Mama's belly. What's in Daddy's belly?"
Georgia: "Baby"
Brendan: "No honey, muscles."
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Big Potty
Georgia informed me last night that she wanted to sit on the "big" potty. I went ahead and showed her how to best sit on the big potty without falling in. She was thrilled (although no pottying was actually taking place). I turned my back to put some towels away and heard some splashing. I turned back around to find her perched on the back of the potty, happily kicking her legs around the water as she beamed at me and said "kicking mama!" Needless to say, she got a bath soon after.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Early birthday festivities
We had a great Thanksgiving visiting with Great Grandpa Al, Great Grandma Jackie, Grandpa Bob, Grandma Sandy, and Auntie Jackie. As part of the week, we had an early birthday celebration for Georgia with the Crowley bunch.

Georgia loved, loved, loved opening her presents.
She also insists on wearing this dress to all special occasions.
I tried to get her to wear her pink fairy dress but she insisted on wearing this.
She also keeps trying to wear her piggy pjs to school.
I had to throw the video in. Georgia has been wanting to wear this hat around the last few days. Also, you get to hear a mother daughter rendition (musical interpretation???) of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" towards the end of the video. Poor girl has no chance of any musical talent with a teacher like me.

Georgia loved, loved, loved opening her presents.
She also insists on wearing this dress to all special occasions.
I tried to get her to wear her pink fairy dress but she insisted on wearing this.
She also keeps trying to wear her piggy pjs to school.
I had to throw the video in. Georgia has been wanting to wear this hat around the last few days. Also, you get to hear a mother daughter rendition (musical interpretation???) of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" towards the end of the video. Poor girl has no chance of any musical talent with a teacher like me.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Painting and Reading
Georgia loves to do anything we do. We were painting the hallway trim this weekend, so she wanted to paint as well! As she basically gets anything she wants when saying the magic word, we set her up with paints. I came over a few minutes after this and found her painting her foot (see the video).
G very pleased with her body painting.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Halloween and stuff
According to Auntie Dana I am really slacking on my posts. Now that I have been bashed thoroughly on my Facebook wall, here are some new pics of G.

Here is G in her Tinkerbell costume that Grandma Sandy sent up from DC. The hat was an addition since it was a little chilly. Halloween Day was gorgeous at 73 degrees!
On Friday we went down to the Halloween Parade in our town with friends Emma (bee) and Bella (ladybug).
Here is Daddy and Georgia admist the many trick or treaters. This is post #2 post candy meltdown. Poor girl never did get a nap that day.
Georgia LOVES candy. Here she is enjoying some sweet tarts.
Apparently she thought they tasted better after adding a little toe jam.
Yum Yum is what she said. I'm not sure what to make of that...

Yum Yum is what she said. I'm not sure what to make of that...

Thanks for the Dora doll Grandma Gaye. G loves her!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Paul's Bday Party
Georgia had a wonderful time at her friend Paul's B-Day party. Paul turned 2! Here they are sitting together reading books after the major fun was done. No better way to unwind after chaos.
Note: Georgia had given Paul his first kiss the weekend before. That was his best birthday present!
Look what I drew Mama!
Georgia was drawing a picture yesterday, held it up to me and said "airplane!" It was the first time she told me what she was drawing. Now, it is debatable whether the scribbles did indeed look like an airplane but to a proud Mama there was no better representation. We love you G!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Jump! Jump!
The Dragos were forced out of their house this week due to construction. They came over for a dust free dinner. Oh, and jumping on the trampoline.
Emma is a jumping maniac on the trampoline!
Georgia is adorable although a little less coordinated with those daddy long legs.
Emma is a jumping maniac on the trampoline!
Georgia is adorable although a little less coordinated with those daddy long legs.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
PM Fun
Just a few pics and video from this week.
Before taking a bath G runs away naked, so I have to catch her!
I'm not sure while running away from me in the buff makes her laugh so much...
I'm not sure while running away from me in the buff makes her laugh so much...
G learned how to close the closet door on herself.
We have another longer video that is hilarious but I couldn't get it to load.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Weekend fun
We have a fun relaxed weekend at home. It was nice after lots of travel.
Here is a video of her singing "hot cross buns" and making a silly face.
Don't mind Brendan sighing in the background...
Don't mind Brendan sighing in the background...

Oh and a trip to Costco. G helped us pick out boxes. She was very helpful.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
CA Vacation
We went out to CA for a fabulous vacation. We spent about 6 days with Grandma Gaye and Grandpa Kirk and then Mama and Daddy went to Tahoe for a wedding sans Georgia. She had a great time with the GGs. Here are a couple of pics from the trip.
Georgia in the rental car. She was such a trooper. A 6 hour fight followed by at 3 hour drive. Isn't much fun for a 2 year old but she did great.

For some reason Georgia thought it was so much fun to put a bucket on her head and run around. I had a funny video of her running into the wall but it somehow was erased.
Here is Georgia with the chickens she visited in May. They are all grown up now and laying eggs! She loved chasing them around.

For some reason Georgia thought it was so much fun to put a bucket on her head and run around. I had a funny video of her running into the wall but it somehow was erased.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Georgia is going to be a big sister!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Life is full of firsts
The thing I love most about having G in our life is all of the firsts. She makes everything a little more exciting.

Hiking at Walden Pond. Man is she getting heavy!
She just outgrew a bunch of clothes too.
We really didn't make it past the pond. What with our water baby.

Also, we are pretty sure she is a left handed lady. She uses her left hand for drawing and eating with her utensils.

Hiking at Walden Pond. Man is she getting heavy!
She just outgrew a bunch of clothes too.

Clothes are off when water is near!
Here is a video of Emma and Georgia running down the road by the beach house from a few weekends ago. It cracks me up. Most of all because G runs like Grandma Gaye!
Also, we are pretty sure she is a left handed lady. She uses her left hand for drawing and eating with her utensils.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Big Girl Videos
You can see what a big girl Georgia is becoming in these videos.
Here she is playing on the climber. She can climb up, go through the tunnel, and go down the slide on her own. This was in July. She is even faster now!
Here she is singing to and playing with her little people.
Here she is playing on the climber. She can climb up, go through the tunnel, and go down the slide on her own. This was in July. She is even faster now!
Here she is singing to and playing with her little people.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Summer Pics
Auntie Dana is freaking out about no new pics on the blog. Here you go little sis....
We have had a crazy summer. Lots of visiting with friends. Most of these pics are from our trip down to Emma, Amy, and Paul's beach house. We have been going there every year for almost 10 years. Pretty crazy. Especially when you compare what happened there in our 20s versus 30s with kids.
Here we have Lilah Grace, Georgia Grace, and Emma Grace. All born with 7 months of each other. Note the Mommies all got married in 2006 too!
We have had a crazy summer. Lots of visiting with friends. Most of these pics are from our trip down to Emma, Amy, and Paul's beach house. We have been going there every year for almost 10 years. Pretty crazy. Especially when you compare what happened there in our 20s versus 30s with kids.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Katy Perry and a Balloon
Really, what else does a girl need except Katy Perry and a balloon? Maybe a bubble popper and a nap?
Georgia the Tie-Dye Model
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