Sunday, May 3, 2009

Georgia The Destroyer

Since we got up around 5:30 this morning and were showered and dressed by 6:30, we decided to head out to the beach for a picnic brunch of fish crackers, fig newtons, almonds, milk and coffee (we desperately need to go grocery shopping). The weather wasn't amiable for swimming but we had a blast playing in the sand on the empty beach.

I'm not sure about this...

Daddy, you are cute but I'm still not coming close to those waves!

Hold on! Yeah, let's mark my territory. I'll help.

Let me just fix this letter...

Daddy makes G a sandcastle....

Georgia destroys it...

Come on Mama!

Georgia lugging her toy bag back to the blanket after a hard day of digging.

And snuggles with Daddy.

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