Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Morning conversation

As usual Georgia came pattering into our room around 6:00 this morning. As she lay cuddled up with me she started playing with my sleep tousled hair.
G: "Mama, I like your hair."
K: "Thanks babe, I like you hair too."
G: Touches my nose. "Mama, I like your big nose"
K: "Thanks sweetie"
G: Pokes my eye. "Mama's eyes are brown"
K: "That's right babe, what color are your eyes?"
G: "Blue"
K: "That's right, what color are Daddy's eyes"
G: "I don't know"
K: "Hazel. Daddy's eyes are hazel."
G. "That's so silly!"

1 comment:

Sotabound said...

that's so much better than my morning conversation with Maya...she told me "mommy, you stink. go get some toothpaste and put it in your mouth so you don't smell like pigs."