Paul, Amy, Jack and Emma invited us over for Easter Sunday. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time.
Festivities started out with an Easter egg hunt. We hadn't yet taught Georgia the basics of egg hunting but she caught on quickly and carried her basket around for the next few hours.

Egg hunting is fabulous!

I see one!

Oops, I dropped these. Have to pick them up!
Can't lose my loot!

What's in your egg Emma?
I have fun stickers!

I see more over there!
But boy is my basket getting heavy.

Let me just tuck this one away...

This is so much fun Mama!

Hey now girlfriend.
You leave my eggs alone.

Let's check out our egg booty.

Yummy, chocolate kisses in that one.
The girls then helped decorate Easter eggs.
Georgia liked using the crayons.

Then it was time for T-ball. Paul helped teach G how to bat.

Daddy is modeling a gift for Quinn.

The girls enjoyed some cupcakes after lunch.
Georgia kept saying "Delicious!"

Let me just get this little bit of frosting...

Then they rocked it out in the Barbie Jeep.
Girls will be girls.

"Hey Em, let's turn on some sweet tunes. Do you have that new Dora CD?"

Cruising with her girlfriend.
Will this be G in 14 years? Yikes!

Amy cuddling with Quinn.