Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Quinn 2 Weeks Old!

Hi everyone! I'm 2 weeks old! I love eating, sleeping, and cuddling. I also smile when I see Mama and like to listen to G playing (which sometimes slows down my meals). I love my mobile and listening to the whales and rain on my sound machine from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Sandy. Tummy time is a blast and I am working on my first push up. I poop like a champ and have gone through hundreds of diapers. That's o.k. though because I rarely cry (except during sponge baths) and always let Mama and Daddy know that I'm hungry by trying to eat my hands. So far I really like it on the outside.

1 comment:

These Simple Minutes said...

He is such a squishy little cutie. Pushing up already? What are you feeding that boy? WTG Mighty Quinn! I think ya got one that looks like Mama this time around. Congratulations you guys. Enjoy that sweet-smelling baby head while it's still fresh and sweet!