Georgia had her 3 year well kid appt and Quinn had his 9 month. Both had their shots without tears and were very cooperative during their eye tests. Georgia actually loved her appt. She loved getting weighed and said "it's just a shot" when the nurse told her how well she did. Also, when I asked her what the Dr. saw in her ear she said "a tunnel" like that was the silliest question ever.
Anyway, here are their impressive stats:
Height: 40.25 inches (98%) She is in 4-5T clothes!
Weight: 33 pounds (74%)
BMI: 14 (10%)
Height: 29.75inches (94%)
Weight: 20.4 pounds (54%)
Head: 45.5 (70%!!!!) he did not get his mamas small head

Hey people! We are super healthy!

Why is she looking at me like that???

O.K. time to watch TV