Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our little Shirley Temple

Georgia told me the other day she wanted "princess hair" (this is in reference to when I use my curling iron). I wasn't willing to put her wonderful little girl hair to the heat test. So I went out to the grocery store and picked up some old fashioned sleep in rollers and put them in one night. She was so excited to take them out the next day and loved the result! Her teacher said she wouldn't let anyone touch her hair and "mess it up" that day. How did we raise such a girlie girl?

I love it Mama!

A little Shirley Temple styling...
or bad 80s perm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute is are both of your children. Their growing so fast too. I know you guys are enjoying every minute of their lives. It does really go by too fast.