It was an unseasonably warm day yesterday. 65 degree high. Basically bikini weather for December in Boston. Amy, Emma, Georgia and I went for a walk and the Breakheart reservation, which is about a 5 minute drive from our house ( It was my first outing with Georgia and the first walk I have been on since I was put on bedrest in mid-December. The pictures and video look much more treacherous than it was.
Georgia is the baby in the carriage with the stripes.
I wanted to bring Rocky, but chickened out at the last minute. I wasn't sure how the whole baby, dog juggling thing would go. Turned out to be a good thing as there were many dog walkers on the trail. Rocky would have wanted to make friends with all of them. If it is a good day again today, I might brave the Rocky/Georgia juggling act. Looks like it might rain though...
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