Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

It was a wonderful Christmas this year. Mostly because we were with many of those we care about. We are most thankful that Grandpa Kirk is on the mend. He is very much loved.

Quinn with his Great Grandpa Bud and Great Grandma Carol. They celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary a few days before Christmas.

Chaos at Auntie Sharon's Christmas Eve.

The great thing about opening presents with cousins is that you can play with their toys!

The afternoon after driving back home. Quiet and messy!

Georgia Turns 3!

Is she really three years old? This wonderful, saucy, sweetheart of ours. Not afraid of much. She orders Rocky around like a little brother and isn't afraid to grab his collar and drag his 100lb body into another room to play. When somebody does her wrong she will approach them and insist on an apology, even if they are several years older. The ultimate negotiator. She wants to cuddle for "just a little bit" after we read her a story before bed. She wants to stay in the shower "just two more minutes." When I tell her that something isn't for her or she won't like it, she says "but we can try mama." When it is time to turn off the T.V. she says "just one more show" complete with holding a single index finder in the air. Social butterfly at the party and old lady at home. She loves a party and continues to be the last kid standing without crying. But she still likes everything in its place. She has a careful nature when entering new situations and we call her our little risk calculator. You have probably never seen a kid so careful with a stomp rocket. Caring and compassionate. When I tell her that she has done a good job she often says "you proud of me mama?" If someone seems upset G will ask "are you doing o.k.?" She still loves to kiss the top of Quinn's head and is super sweet with him. We live for the often uttered "I love you Daddy" and "I love you Mama." Pretending is fun. She loves dressing up, sparkles, tutus, makeup and accessories. Helping is more fun. She likes to help mama makes morning smoothies and build things with tools. True to herself. She tells jokes and loves to dance and sing even though she received the not so talented genes from her mother's side. Happy Birthday Baby!

Happy birthday to you...

Is that Tinkerbell on my cake?

Some of the party guests.

Georgia and her cousins Emma and Lilah.

The woman who made mama and daddy's wedding cakes made Georgia's 3rd birthday cake! Georgia wanted a purple cake and she sure did deliver!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Healthy Kids

Georgia had her 3 year well kid appt and Quinn had his 9 month. Both had their shots without tears and were very cooperative during their eye tests. Georgia actually loved her appt. She loved getting weighed and said "it's just a shot" when the nurse told her how well she did. Also, when I asked her what the Dr. saw in her ear she said "a tunnel" like that was the silliest question ever.

Anyway, here are their impressive stats:

Height: 40.25 inches (98%) She is in 4-5T clothes!
Weight: 33 pounds (74%)
BMI: 14 (10%)

Height: 29.75inches (94%)
Weight: 20.4 pounds (54%)
Head: 45.5 (70%!!!!) he did not get his mamas small head

Hey people! We are super healthy!

Why is she looking at me like that???

O.K. time to watch TV

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November Catching Up

November was such a fun month. Quinn learned a proper crawl and said his first word "mama." Georgia went bowling for the first time and scored over 100. We also got to meet up with Georgia's new friend Jackson and his daddy Aaron (whom Mama knows from Highschool) and Jackson's awesome mom Jill.

We got to see Uncle Justin, Auntie Dana, Grandma Gaye, Grandpa Kirk, Lily, Mike, and Annie for Thanksgiving.

And we finally got our dog Rocky back. We missed him so much. Now our family is finally complete in California!

Georgia on her way to the doggie beach. Rocky had such a good time running around with the other dogs in the surf!

Georgia and Uncle Justin. Believe it or not this wasn't planned!

Quinn at swim lessons with Daddy.

Georgia at dance lessons.

Georgia holding her own bowling ball. Strong!

Monday, November 8, 2010

7 Months Old!

Yep. I am seven months old. I can do a yoga plank and get up into a sitting position by myself. I clap my hands, say Bah Bah Bah, Mah Mah Mah, and Dah Dah Dah. I crawl backwards and can roll across a room. I love dancing with my Mama and eating Mum Mum biscuits by myself. I have the most beautiful (brown?green?) friendly eyes and grin all the time. I laugh out loud and my teachers think I'm super smart. I love watching my sister more than anything in the world and am constantly trying to get her attention. I also love taking a bath and can do a back float during swim lessons with Daddy. When my Mama picks me up from school I grab her face between my hands and give her these big wonderful smooshy wet kisses.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!!

We had a great first Halloween in CA as a family. Georgia and Quinn had a party at school on Friday. Quinn was a skeleton (we left his costume at school Fri-so he borrowed Georgia's pumpkin outfit for Sunday). Georgia was going to be Cinderella but later decided on a ballerina/princess hybrid. Grandma Gaye bought her this dress in the Spring and she wears it almost every day. Georgia's motto might very well be "the more tulle the better." On Sunday we trick or treated with Lilly's family.

Now that is a motley crew!

Quinn wasn't so sure about the pumpkin outfit.

G and Q sporting their super cool costumes. Quinn looks a bit like a french pumpkin.

Princess Power!

Yeah. I'm pretty cute.

Me too.

Pumpkin on the move!

This pumpkin makes my crawling practice a little difficult!

The ladies getting ready to go out and hit the street. They were slow to warm up but we had to drag them back! They even braved a haunted house!


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fall in CA

We spent a fall weekend in CA going to the park on Saturday and the pumpkin patch on Sunday. If we were ever going to miss New England, it would be in the fall. Turns out we don't miss New England that much. The weather on Saturday was in the high 60s with a light wind at the park and on Sunday it was in the low 70s with abundant sunshine. Cold enough to wear our fall clothes but warm enough to play outside in the water table later that night.

Here are some pics.

Georgia caught a little chicken at the petting zoo. She is an animal lover for sure.

Quinn had fun watching the girls play on all the toys. He can't wait for next year when he can join in the fun!

Bounce House!

Jump! Jump! Jump!

Up the slide.....

Down the slide....

Annie, Georgia, Lily and Mike. Super scary!

Brendan "the monster" twirling the girls at the park.

Run Georgia! Run!

Walking the balance beam.

It was looooong!

View from the park. You can see the ocean when there are less clouds in the sky.

Down the slide!

Pushing the carriage. Hard workers!

Playing in the water table. Boy did these girls sleep hard that night.