Sunday, January 31, 2010

Obsessed with blankets

Georgia is slightly obsessed with blankets. Her favorite game is to lay down and have Brendan and I cover her with multiple blankets. She instructs which ones are supposed to be laid in order. After laying very still for awhile (30 seconds), she gets up and says "Mama, blankets on!" We are then asked to cover her in a different order of blankets than before. She can sometimes play this game for an hour. I like it best when she plays it by herself ;)

Blanket on!

That is a good pile.

Maybe I like this order better...

She also likes us to lay the blanket on her little dollhouse family. She lines them up in a row and instructs us on which blanket we should place on them.

Here she is joining her dollhouse family.

Thanks Mama! That was fun!

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