Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Little Man

We had a 30 week ultrasound yesterday and had a great look at our little man's face. It was the first time he was not hiding it. From the ultrasound, it looks like he might have a turned up nose like his mama did. Also, the 3-D pic suggests he might look a lot like Georgia (just a manly version). Of course we won't know until he comes out. In any case, I (his mama, of course) think he is the cutest thing ever!

Also, he is really flexible and big. He had one foot in pike position by his face. The other was stretched out behind him up by my rib cage. He was basically doing some contorted split. They also estimated him at 4lbs. This was good news since the following news was not as great. Mama's cervix is losing its battle with the contractions and slipping away little by little. That means the little man could be actively trying to join us any day now. We are trying our best to keep him in there!

Here is the 3-D shot. His arm was moving on the right side, so it looks a little blurry.
The technician said he was very handsome and photogenic (I'm sure she tells all the moms this).

Here is a profile shot.
It is tough to see the turned up nose in this pic but it was really obvious during the ultrasound.


Buffy said...

He looks so sweet! Stay in there, little dude - it's much warmer!

(Fingers crossed and good vibes to you. . .)

Jen - Eric said...

He looks wonderful, hon! I'm sure he'll be as strong and thriving as Georgia was & is. We'll keep you in our thoughts...hang in there. Best wishes to you all :-)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he is going to follow in sis's foot steps, but he's already 4 lbs. That's a good weight now. Good thing he's not twins?? Good luck and keep resting.

These Simple Minutes said...

Bedrest is a blessing and a curse. It was difficult for me not to worry when all I had was time to worry. I hope he stays in there good and strong until it's safe for him to come home.