A family of swans has settled down in our town pond. Georgia loves to go look at them. The other days we saw that they had two babies and five more eggs in their nest! We came back to take some pics. We have to drag Georgia away every time we come visit them. Boy is she an animal lover (although she told me yesterday she doesn't like flies, bugs, or bees).

Georgia admiring the swans from the sidewalk. There is usually a crowd of 20 people looking at the sweet family.

Here is the family from afar. One of the birds is swimming next to the nest with the two babies (according to G this is the Mama). The other (G says it is the Daddy) is sitting on the eggs in the nest.

Here is a close up of the two babies already hatched.

If you look closely at this pic, you can see one of the greenish/brownish eggs as the swan resettles on the nest. Quite a nest!

The babies got cold and climbed up the nest to snuggle under the "Daddy" swan with their unhatched brothers and sisters.

One of the babies peeked their head out from under the Daddy after warming up.
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