We spent last Saturday at the San Diego zoo! If you haven't been, it is pretty awesome. In fact, we only made it through 1/3 of the zoo in the four hours we were there. We saw panda bears, giant turtles, snakes, frogs, polar bears, elephants, lions, a swimming leopard, monkeys, hippos, birds, zebras, gazelles, just to name a few. Georgia and her friend Lily loved it! In fact, we were so busy looking at the animals I realized later we didn't take many pictures.

This monkey came right up to Lily and Georgia and knocked on the window. We figured out that he wanted Lily's apple!

Georgia has a book on panda bears and was so excited to see one eat bamboo in person. Mama thought the pandas were a little creepy.

After the zoo we went home and had a nice dinner on our patio (we eat here most evenings). It overlooks the mountains and we can see a peak view of the ocean on nice days. We also found out that the launch hot air balloons on the weekends by our house. There are usually 3 or so floating around.

Georgia and Quinn get such a kick out of each other!
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