Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Quinn

Is it true? Is our baby really one year old today?

Geez... Am I totally blind or is he not the most adorable, wonderful, little boy ever.

We love you so much.
Your easy smile and your easy laugh.
Your curious nature and your mischievous looks.
Your climbing,
your dancing,
your sweet tired eyes.
The curl in your hair.
Our sweet little beast.

Birthday Boy.

Daddy and the Birthday Boy.

Playing drums on their faces.

We had a pirate party to celebrate!

Black sprinkles!

Jackson in Pirate gear.

A very stern pirate sister.
About to crash from a sugar/play high.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My O' my how fast does the time fly.
Give him and (sister)a big hug & kiss from Uncle G. & I. He really is a beautiful young man. Good genes??? but of course.