Our friends Tara, Nick, and little Lila (7 months) came up from New York to visit with us for a couple of days. We have been dying to meet Lila in person. She is super mellow and so cute. She and Georgia got along pretty well. Lila had lots of smiles for us and Georgia liked all the extra kisses goodnight. The adults even had some fabulous cioppino for Valentines dinner (thanks again Nick).

Lila and her Daddy

We tried to get a pic of the girls together. They were not terribly cooperative. Too many toys!

They sure would sit still for breakfast though.

Georgia all smiles with her new teeth.
And just some other pics of G from that weekend. She sure is getting around. She has also added several words to her existing vocabulary (mama, dada, uh oh, and hi) , including "all done", "duck", "cat" and "mooooo." She also can point to our nose and eyes when we ask where they are. She follows basic instructions like "switch hands", "pick that up", "shut the door", "let go", and "give mama a hug"

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